You’ll have access to our online Visa Profile Builder and submit all information and supporting documents directly to your profile.
About Us
About Us
Our advantages
You’ll have 24-hour support from a designated case agent and RCIC who can answer any questions you may have.
For those wanting to study in Canada, a personal student advisor will be available to help you complete your college submission and motivation letter as well as take care of the study permit.
You will never have to worry about missing a deadline as we’ll submit applications and documents on your behalf.
As a VisadeCanada client you will receive a tailored immigration strategy that is according to your specific needs and goals.
Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) is an accredited agent of Multi Dimension Consulting, which specializes in dealing with professional services related to immigration. Multi Dimensions Consulting is a privately-owned Canadian Immigration Consultancy Agency, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The agency assists individuals and families around the world with their visa application and immigration process.
David Allon
Identification RCIC #R513335
David Allon is a professional and knowledgeable RCIC consultant with a passion for migration and international policies. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA), a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Government, and a Diploma in European Studies.
Giovanni Mariella
Identification RCIC #R705710
Giovanni Mariella has a Master's Degree in Law, a Master's in Business Administration and Administrative Law, and a Diploma in European policies. Today Giovanni is a qualified RCIC serving the Canadian dream with a great passion for helping people.
We Simplify Visa Applications for You is a recognized immigration agent that works alongside consultants situated in Vancouver and specializes in South American immigration to Canada. Together we ensure that you are aware of the visa best suited for you and your family by accompanying you with every step of your Canadian journey
Begin your new journey to the Great White North!
How do I apply for a Canadian Visa?
The first step to find out which programs you qualify for. The next step is to make sure that you have all the necessary supporting documentation then complete and submit your visa application. The best way is to apply online as sending an application by courier or mail could be costly and take a very long time.
How much is Canada’s visa fees?
This depends on the visa as well as how many dependents you will bring with you to Canada. If you use a representative or consultant you may have to pay additional fees.
Where can I get biometrics for a Canadian Visa?
You can get your biometrics done at any visa application centre in your country. You’ll need to make an appointment and make sure that you check the guidelines, specifically regarding your photo identification, such as letting temporary injuries heal, not wearing light colors or head gear, for example.
What are the requirements for a Canada visa?
Each Candian visa and immigration program has its own set of requirements for eligibility as well as a successful visa application, however you will need to be considered admissible to Canada.
How much money do you need to immigrate to Canada?
This depends on your chosen visa program, how many dependents are accompanying you to Canada, (as this dictates how much funds you will need to have) as well as whether or not you decide to use representation to apply for your visa. You will also need to take into consideration the affordability of the province or territory you choose to live in.
What is the easiest way to immigrate to Canada?
There is no real easy way to immigrate to Canada but some programs are easier than others. The Express Entry system is probably the easiest and most popular way to move to Canada but there are quicker and easier ways such as the BC PNP which has visa processing times of 2-3 months. Saskatchewan’s International Skilled Worker Stream is also relatively easier to apply to because it doesn’t require local work experience or a job offer in Canada.
What is the maximum age to immigrate to Canada?
There is no age limit when it comes to Canadian immigration but the older you are when you apply the less PR points you will get. This basically means that your chances of getting a visa are lower when you’re older. The optimal age range to move to Canada is between 20 and 29 years old. Once you are 45 years old you cannot claim any PR points.
Can I move to Canada without a job?
Yes. There are various programs including some of those under the Express Entry System, that don’t need a job offer in Canada to qualify for, such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program.
How much PR points are needed to immigrate to Canada?
The number of permanent residency (PR) points you need will depend on the Express Entry draw CRS cut-off score. This is because every 2 weeks cut-off scores are allocated based on the average score of the applicants currently in the draw. Therefore if other applicants in your draw pool have very low scores you may only need about 400 CRS points to get an invitation to apply for permanent residency. A good score would be to have between 450 and 550 CRS points in a normal draw and at least 750 and up for a provincial nomination draw.
How difficult is it to immigrate to Canada?
This depends on your individual situation and needs. Candian immigration can become very complicated and there is often a lot that many don’t know, that only trained professionals are aware of. Using an immigration professional may cost more financially, but will save you in time and possibly money should your visa get rejected or delayed for any reason.